Below is a running list of the township's ordinances and amendments. Click here for the Ordinance Master List.
If the information you're looking for isn't listed, please contact us directly.
Ordinance Complaint Form Zoning Ordinance
Ordinance 2 - Water Systems Construction 5.1.51 Revenue Bonds purchased
Ordinance 3 - Amend Ord 2, Establishing Water rates
Ordinance 4- Amend Ord 3, Establishing Meter deposits
Ordinance 5 -Amend Ord 2, provide payment schedule for water connect/disconnect
Ordinance 6- Junk Yard Ordinance, establishing terminology and guidelines
Ordinance 7 -Chikaming Township Liquor Control Ordinance 3.31.60
Ordinance 8-Regulating use of Cherry Beach, establishing hours
Ordinance 9-Curfew Ordinance-11.7.63 Regulatiing the presence of minors at night
Ordinance 10-Zoning , establishing districts, board of appeals with duties and powers
Ordinance 11- Building code, unsafe bldgs, fire prevention/safety guidelines
Ordinance 12-Franchise to Michigan Gas & Electric Co 3.18.65
Ordinance 13- Water Systems Construction, provision to enhance, enlarge, extend
Ordinance 14-Amendment to Ord 13 Water Systems, Revenue Bonds
Ordinance 15- Beach/Park Ordinance, establishing rules/regulations and penalties/fines
Ordinance 16-Amendment to Ord 10 Zoning, repealing sections 17 and 20 entirely
Ordinance 17- Relocation of sand, gravel, etc. needs permit first
Ordinance 18- Division of Lots in Recorded Plats must be approved by Township Board
Ordinance 19- Amend Ord 13 specify maintenance of Water meters
Ordinance 20- Unsafe Buildings, establishing safety guidelines and violations
Ordinance 21-Amendment to Ord 10 Zoning, Add Mobile Home Parks,pre fab dwellings
Ordinance 22- Amendment to Ordinance 15 Beach Ordinance, set hours/penalties
Ordinance 23- Outdoor Assembly, gatherings of 1,000 or more
Ordinance 24-Regulate the Use of Harbert Beach
Ordinance 25-Regulating Cross Connections with Public Water Supply
Ordinance 26- Adopt Boca Basic Building Code 10.3.74
Ordinance 27-Ordinance for Group Life Insurance 10.3.74
Ordinance 28-Group Pension Plan Contract Ratified 1.1.71
Ordinance 29- Ordinance to Establish Zoning Regulations 6.3.76
Ordinance 30-Sewer Ordinance 2.5.76
Ordinance 31-Water Department Fiscal Year Established
Ordinance 32-Water Department Rate Change 6.2.77
Ordinance 33-Water Department Bond Ordinance
Ordinance 34- Sewer Use Ordinance
Ordinance 35-Flood Plain Regulations 11.9.78
Ordinance 36-Amending and Repealing Ord 30 Sewer Connections
Ordinance 37- Township Fiscal Year Established 2.19.79
Ordinance 38- Regulating Pool Rooms, Dance Halls, Bowling Alleys
Ordinance 39- Ordinance to Repeal and replace Ord 15&22 public beaches
Ordinance 40-Repealing Ord 36 Sewer Connections
Ordinance 41-Adoption of Uniform Traffic Code
Ordinance 42- Repeal and replace Ord 18 division of Lots
Ordinance 43 - Amend Zoning Ord 10
Ordinance 44-Comprehensive Zoning 11.12.81
Ordinance 45- Amend Ord 41 Traffic Code
Ordinance 46- Amend Ord 44, Single Family Dwelling Specifications
Ordinance 47- Amend Ord 44, Family Definitions
Ordinance 48- Cable Television 12.8.83
Ordinance 49- Amend Ord 44 Zoning, Hanus Subdivision
Ordinance 50- Electrical Inspections 4.12.84 Michigan Code
Ordinance 51-Amend Ord 13, Water rate increase
Ordinance 52- Amend Ord 44 Zoning/Mobile Home Parks
Ordinance 53 -Amend Ord 44 Comprehensive Zoning/Rezone areas
Ordinance 54- Amend Ord 13 Water System, rate increase
Ordinance 55-Amend Ord 40 Sewer System billing, delinquencies
Ordinance 56- Amend Ord 44 Comprehensive Zoning Regulations
Ordinance 57-Regulate Minors-Curfew
Ordinance 58- Loitering Ordinance
Ordinance 59- Amend Ord 13 Water Systems Construction/meters, connection fees
Ordinance 60-Amend Ord 40 Sewer System
Ordinance 61- Amend Ord 44 Comprehensive Zoning 1.11.90
Ordinance 62- Amend Ord 44 Comprehensive Zoning /Nonconforming Structures
Ordinance 63- Amend Ord 44 Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance 64-Traffic Ordinance to Mandate Seatbelts/Child Restraints
Ordinance 65- Amend Ord 44 Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance 66- Amend Ord 13 Water Systems Fiscal Year chg
Ordinance 67- Repeal and Replace Ord 39 Public Beaches
Ordinance 68- Amend Ord 44 Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance 69- Amend Ord 13 Water Systems
Ordinance 70-Amend Ord 44 Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance 71-Amend Ord 13 Water Systems
Ordinance 72- Cable TV Rates and Regulations
Ordinance 73-Amend Ord 44 Zoning
Ordinance 74-Amend Ord 13 Water Systems
Ordinance 75- Water Revenue Bonds 5.26.94
Ordinance 76 - Civil Infraction Penalties-Misc Ordinances
Ordinance 77 - Civil Infraction for Penalties- Zoning
Ordinance 78 - Dangerous Building
Ordinance 79- Sewer Dept. Connection Chg
Ordinance 80-Amend Ordinance 44 Zoning
Ordinance 81- Public Entertainment Ordinance
Ordinance 82-Amend Ordinance 67 Public Beaches
Ordinance 83-Franchise Granted To Michigan Gas Co
Ordinance 85-Amend Ordinance 44 Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance 86-Hazardous Materials Handling
Ordinance 87 - Zoning Ordinance
Ordinance 88 - Public Nudity Ordinance
Ordinance 89 - Land Division Ordinance
Ordinance 90 - Alarm Systems Ordinance
Ordinance 91 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 92 - Electric Franchise Ordinance
Ordinance 93 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 94 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 95 - Amend Ordinance 48 - Control Towers
Ordinance 96 - Amend Ordinance 13
Ordinance 97 - Amend Ordinance 13
Ordinance 98 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 99 - Amend Ordinance 13
Ordinance 100 - Business Regulation Ordinance
Ordinance 101 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 102 - Adoption of Michigan Vehicle code Ordinance
Ordinance 103 - Water Supply Bond Ordinance
Ordinance 104 - Amend Ordinance 103
Ordinance 105 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 106 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 107 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 108 - Road/Gate Ordinance
Ordinance 109 - Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance
Ordinance 110 - Amend Ordinance 109
Ordinance 111 - Mandatory Water and Sewer Connection Ordinance
Ordinance 112 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 113 - Mechanical Inspection Ordinance
Ordinance 114 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 115 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 116 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 117 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 118 - Amend Ordinance 111
Ordinance 119 - Alarm System Ordinance-replaced by #138
Ordinance 120 - Amend Ordinance 111
Ordinance 121 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 122 - Building Enforcing Ordinance
Ordinance 123 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 124 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 126- Amend Beach and Park Ordinance
Ordinance 127- Amend Special Land Use
Ordinance 129 - Building Enforcement Ordinance
Ordinance 131 - Noise and Nuisance Ordinance
Ordinance 132 - Planning Commission Ordinance
Ordinance 133 - Sewage Disposal Ordinance
Ordinance 134 - Gas Franchise Ordinance
Ordinance 135 - Amend Ordinance 87
Ordinance 136 - Water and Sewer Charges Ordinance
Ordinance 138 - Alarm Ordinance-replaces #119
Ordinance 139 - Parking Ordinance
Ordinance 140- Amend Ordinance 126 Beaches, Parks
Ordinance 141- Rental Ordinance
Ordinance 142- Prohibit Marihuana Establishments
Ordinance 143-Regulating Small Cell Wireless Facilities
Ordinance 144- Establishing Comprehensive Zoning Regulations (New Zoning Ord Here)
Ordinance 145- Regulating Ignition/Discharge of Fireworks
Ordinance 146- Amend 144 Comprehensive Zoning, parcel from Residential to AG
Ordinance 147 - Shoreline Armoring
Ordinance 148-Amend Zoning Ordinance 144-new additions 2022
Ordinance 149- Amend Ordinance 111 Mandatory Sewer Connection/fees
Ordinance 150- Amend Ordinance 13 Establishing Water Connections/fees
Ordinance 151- Amend Ordinance 144 Zoning, Commercial Class C
Ordinance 152- Amend Ordinance 144 Zoning, AG District
Ordinance 153 -Amend 144 Zoning
Ordinance 154- Amend 144 Zoning, RE Recreation District, Public & Private
Ordinance 155- Amend 126 Beaches Parks, No machinery without permits
Ordinance 156 - Amend Ordinance 141 Rental Ordinance
Ordinance 157 - Amend Ordinance 122 Building Enforcing Ordinance
Ordinance 158 - Amend Ordinance 144 Zoning R-1 from R-1W
Ordinance 159 - Amend Ordinance 126 Cherry Beach Parking Fees
Ordinance 160 - Amend Ordinance 144 Establishing Comprehensive Zoning Regulations
Ordinance 161 - Amend Ordinance 144 Establishing Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for the Township of Chikaming, Providing for the Administration
Ordinance 162 - Amend Ordinance 144 Establishing Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for the Township of Chikaming, Providing for the Administration