Treasurer's Office

Pay Taxes & Get Property Information Online

You may pay your taxes online here.
Select Chikaming Township (Municipality).
Pick name,address, or parcel number.
Amount due is on the right side in red box. 

Please note there is a 3% fee when using the online Point N Pay system.

Our Staff

Treasurer Liz Rettig is in the office on Tuesday and Thursday from 9-12 and 1-4.

Deputy Treasurer Sabina Kotov is in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Friday all day. To ensure that someone is here to answer your questions, it is suggested that you call first.

Seasonal Property Tax

Summer Taxes: The summer tax bill is sent by July 15th, and is payable July 1st through September 14th without penalty or interest. Beginning September 15th through September 30th a 1% interest charge will be added. An additional 1% per month will be added on the 1st of each month to the unpaid balance.

Deferment of Summer Taxes: The law provides that beginning September 15th, a 1% interest be paid. However, these taxes may be deferred without penalty until February 14th, for any Homeowners Principle Residence who is a senior citizen 62 years or older, including the unremarried surviving spouse of a person who was 62 years of age or older at the time of death; is totally and permanently disabled person; blind person; paraplegic; quadriplegic; eligible service person; eligible veteran; or eligible widow or widower or otherwise eligible whose household income does not exceed $35,000 per year. Applications for deferment are available here of at the Treasurer's office, and must be returned to their office by September 14th.

Winter Taxes: The winter tax bill is sent by December 15th, and is payable December 1st through February 14th without penalty or interest. Beginning February 15th a 1% penalty will be added. Beginning March 1st all real taxes must be paid to the Berrien County Treasurer, 701 Main Street, St. Joseph, MI 49085. A 4% administration fee and 1% interest per month is applied to the delinquent taxes when paid at the county.

Review Your Tax Bill: After receiving your tax bill, review it carefully. Please make sure that your homestead percentage is correct. If a correction is needed, please call the phone number on your tax bill immediately so that an adjustment can be made at the July or December Board of Review. 

Payment by Check: Checks are accepted only as conditional payment of taxes. If the check is not honored by the bank, the tax is considered unpaid and will be restored to the tax roll without further notice. A service charge may be applied to checks returned from the bank. Failure to send or receive such notice shall not in any way prejudice the right to collect or enforce the payment of any tax.  Postdated checks CANNOT be accepted for payments and will be returned to the taxpayer

Escrow Accounts: Please check to see if you are coded for a mortgage company on your tax bill. If you have an escrow account and this tax bill is coded with a number in the box marked Bank Number this means your mortgage company has requested a copy of your tax bill, and the treasurer has provided an extra copy to them. If there is no number in that box, your bill has not been sent to your mortgage company. Therefore, enclose one copy of the tax bill with your next mortgage payment

The Tax FAQ

  • When do summer bills come out and when are they due?
    First week of July, due Sept. 14th

  • When do winter bills come out and are they due?
    First week of December, due February 14th

  • Can we pay online or over the phone?
    You can pay online by clicking here  3% fee paying online

  • Can we pay with credit or debit cards?
    Yes, and eCheck also, 3% fee for credit cards

  • Do you accept postmarks?
    NO, nor are we responsible for the mailing system delivery

  • Is there a drop box?
    YES, on right of the main entrance

  • Can we submit one check for both late summer tax and winter tax?
    Yes, reference all parcel/property tax #’s

  • Can we submit one check for multiple parcels?
    Yes, reference all parcel/property tax #’s

  • Do you send receipts?
    No, we do not send receipts

  • How do we get receipts?
    Include a self-addressed stamped envelope or pay at the office

  • Can we pay late summer bills there?
    Yes, interest accumulates monthly, call for the amount due or look on our web sitehere

  • Can we pay late winter bills there?
    Yes, penalty applies,call for the amount due or look on our web sitehere

  • What is the last day a payment can be received at the Township?
    February 28th

  • When do taxes go delinquent to the county?
    March 1st

  • Whom do we contact to make delinquent tax payments?
    Berrien County Treasurer 269-983-7111 ext. 8569

  • Do you have a senior citizen discount/exemption?

  • There is an application for deferment of taxes (a couple extra months to pay w/o interest) but strict in whom qualifies, click the following link for more details:

  • Do you get discount for early payment?

  • What happens with over-payments?
    Refund will be made to party issuing the check

  • What happens with double-payments?
    The 2nd payment received will either be returned or refunded

  • Do you accept partial payments?
    Yes, at the discretion of the treasurer, unpaid amounts are still subject to interest/penalty/delinquency

  • When will we see a refund?
    Within approximately four weeks but no later than the end of February

  • How do I submit an address change?
    Fill in appropriate box on stub of tax bill or mail to PO Box 40 Harbert, Mi 49115

  • Can I change ownership name there?
    No Contact Register of Deeds office

  • Can I delete a deceased owner there?
    No Contact Register of Deeds office Register of Deeds phone 269-983-7111 ext 8562

  • Can I add a “in care of” name there?

  • Do you have extended office hours?
    Yes, we're open until 5:00 on due date in September and February for tax collection purposes only

Looking for more information? Check our Assessor’s page for exemption forms and more resources, or contact our staff.